First thing to know - yes, I AM addicted to Pinterest. Second thing to know - I pin hundreds of pins that just sit there screaming "make me, visit me, bake me" and they never get the full attention they deserve. BUT that all ends right now!

As of today, well tomorrow, I am committing to make/visit/bake one thing each day for the next 365 days off of Pinterest.

Why do this you ask? I'd like to say it's for personal development, reaching what Oprah calls my "best" life but really, it's probably just to drive my hubby crazy with one more "thing" I am doing. :) The good news is, not to fret, he will be reaping some of the rewards from my experiment. (Mental note, make an out of the world cheesecake each month from Pinterest)

Make sure to also like my Facebook Fan Page at and my Etsy store at

Happy blog following and I hope that I inspire some of you to stop pinning and start doing!


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 21 - Satin Rosettes

This is going to be short and sweet because I'm testing out blogger on the phone. Not liking that my keyboard won't go sideways!

Today I crafted up the most adorable piece of "head gear" that goes on a little persons noggin. I found the rosette idea on Pinterest and them added them to a headband.

These were a little difficult to make but once I got on the second and third one they got easier. Love them!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 21 - Kicking Butt

First of all, I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year (for multiple reasons).  Like the fact that every time I go to Target they have all of the adorable Easter dresses out on display just mocking me as I wish I could secretly buy one, take it home and put Easton in it.  Once again, would not fly.  Among other things, the MAIN reason I have a love/hate relationship with February is because it's Girl Scout Cookie season.

This "season" is the time of year those sweet, adorable neighbor girls of yours go home into their room, brush their hair nice and straight, put on their brown little sashes and put their game faces on and sell suckers like me WAAYYYYY too many boxes of cookies because their sweet smiles convince me to do so.

Yes, I LOVE the cookies but what I hate is my morning I'm going to have tomorrow with Jillian (yes, we are on a first name basis and I don't always call her Jillian - use your imagination).  So, my post tonight is actually dedicated to this Pin that I found when I was exploring pins.  It's like she was watching me put that damn Girl Scout Cookie in my mouth as I sat in my comfy chair cruising Pinterest.

Here's too all of you who are chowing down on your second box of cookies and dreading the lbs it's going to add to the scale in the morning.  Make a date with Jillian and you're guaranteed to at the very minimum, feel better about stuffing your face with that Thin Mint.

By the way - my Jillian workout for tomorrow is 30 Day Shred - YIKES!

Good luck!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 20 - Marble Painting

If you asked me what the definition of fun was I'd tell you marble painting with a 20 month old!!  Today Easton and I tried out this awesome pin I found which actually links you back to a blog called Play Create Explore.  There are some really great, fun and creative ideas of things to do with your kiddos.  I can't wait until it warms up outside because there are some really good outdoors ones.

This was pretty straight-forward.  You just get a bin and put some paper in it and then drop your marbles in paint before you put them in the bin and start rolling them around by moving your bin.

I let Easton make 4 of them and I plan on framing them and using them as gifts.

Here's the link for the pin:

Here's our FUN we had today:
PS - It is MESSY so make sure you plop your kiddo down on a towel or old bed sheet and I took Easton down to his diaper.  Thank goodness (as you'll see)!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 19 - Fabric Flower Headband

I don't think I can ever stop making these.  They are so stinken' adorable and fun to mix things up with.  I can see all the funky places these headbands and I are going to go!!!

Here's the original post:

Here's some shots from my afternoon of crafting.  Easton wanted to help...but didn't really appreciate having a headband on!  :)

Happy Crafting!


Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 18 - Let's Keep It Clean

The dishwasher that is...

Today I was doing some house work and I've silently been upset with my dishwasher because no matter how many times I run my glasses through the dishwasher they never get clean (I've tried it many, many, MANY times).  Regarding my silent bickering about my dishwasher - I SILENTLY complain because the alternative that I know will be suggested to me by my lovely husband is hand washing.  That is complete and udder ridiculous!  I'll wash the craziest things in the dishwasher just to avoid hand washing.  Who would do that!?!?  That's WHY they made dishwashers.

Anyways, here's the pin to the original post on cleaning out your dishwasher.  I think it worked because my glasses are finally clean!

Here's some pics from my cleaning process.  Pretty simple to do, just takes some time.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 17 - Paula Dean's Strawberry Shortcake Trifle

This is a delicious dessert and when I say delicious I mean really, really, REALLY fattening (I didn't even look at the calories on it for fear of what they said).  I made this dessert around Christmas time for a dessert exchange party and the next day this is what I found:

THAT'S how I knew it was good!  If you knew my hubby at all you'd understand...he's not really a sweets person at all but he sure did devour this.  

I altered Paula's recipe to fit our likings.  Instead of the Angel Food cake I used a yellow box cake mix.  Then instead of using a glaze for the strawberries, I just used strawberries only.  And lastly, for the white filling layer, I used 1 tub cool whip, 1 box cream cheese and 1 c. sugar (from my mom's strawberry pretzel dessert!).

Here's the link to the original posting:

Bake your cake as directed on the box.  Let it cool. 

Meanwhile, make your white filling mix.  Blend 1 tub of cool whip, 1 brick of cream cheese and 1 c. sugar.  

To assemble, layer with cut up pieces of your cake, white filling and strawberries.  Repeat.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day16 - Ruffled T-Shirt

So...I'm a terrible person.  Why you ask?  Because I was SO excited about making this shirt that I completely forgot to take pictures along the way.  (Kind of sounds like Easton's life after 1)

Insert confession: I LOVE making girls clothing!  There is just so many cute ideas out there for little girls.  If it was socially acceptable I'd put a ruffle and bow on every piece of clothing Easton owns but I'm quite certain his daddy would have my hide so I defer to making cute ruffled shirts for all of my friend's with little girls.  :)  Lucky you guys.

Here's the link to the original posting.  She goes into much more detail (since I forgot mine):

Here's a picture of my finished products:

These are so much fun to make and the shirts are darling!