First thing to know - yes, I AM addicted to Pinterest. Second thing to know - I pin hundreds of pins that just sit there screaming "make me, visit me, bake me" and they never get the full attention they deserve. BUT that all ends right now!

As of today, well tomorrow, I am committing to make/visit/bake one thing each day for the next 365 days off of Pinterest.

Why do this you ask? I'd like to say it's for personal development, reaching what Oprah calls my "best" life but really, it's probably just to drive my hubby crazy with one more "thing" I am doing. :) The good news is, not to fret, he will be reaping some of the rewards from my experiment. (Mental note, make an out of the world cheesecake each month from Pinterest)

Make sure to also like my Facebook Fan Page at and my Etsy store at

Happy blog following and I hope that I inspire some of you to stop pinning and start doing!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 14 - "I Dig You" Valentine's

How fitting that my blog on Easton's Valentine's goodies for his little friends is the 14th pin!!  I didn't even plan it that way!

I had searched on Pinterest a while back for some ideas and this one was runner-up to the oh so cute sucker photo idea but I determined that I couldn't pull that off with a 20 month old so we rounded up some shovels and M&M's and are going to let everyone know how much we dig them!

These were so fun to make!  I didn't even break out a bunch of my fancy scrapbook tools to prove you don't need all that stuff to make these work.

Here's the link to the original post:

Here's how I made our Valentine shovels:

I went to Michael's for my shovels.  It's pretty early in the season so the only ones they had in were these fun multi-colored ones.  Not the white ones I REALLY wanted but they will do the job!

The other supplies you will need are:
-Cellophane goody bags
-Valentine's Ribbon
-Stamps (to stamp "I Dig You")
-Ink (I used Red)
-Sheet of Scrapbook paper

1) Cut your circles out of your scrapbook paper.  I found a circle about 2 inches in diameter and traced mine then cut them out.  I then cut two lines on the side of the circles so I could "thread" my ribbon through.

2) Next you just stamp your saying on the circles.
3) Thread your ribbon through the sides of the circle so that the ribbon goes behind the circle.

4) Tie the ribbon around the cellophane sack
5) Deliver to your sweetheart!!

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