First thing to know - yes, I AM addicted to Pinterest. Second thing to know - I pin hundreds of pins that just sit there screaming "make me, visit me, bake me" and they never get the full attention they deserve. BUT that all ends right now!

As of today, well tomorrow, I am committing to make/visit/bake one thing each day for the next 365 days off of Pinterest.

Why do this you ask? I'd like to say it's for personal development, reaching what Oprah calls my "best" life but really, it's probably just to drive my hubby crazy with one more "thing" I am doing. :) The good news is, not to fret, he will be reaping some of the rewards from my experiment. (Mental note, make an out of the world cheesecake each month from Pinterest)

Make sure to also like my Facebook Fan Page at and my Etsy store at

Happy blog following and I hope that I inspire some of you to stop pinning and start doing!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 3 - Crock Pot Teriyaki Chicken

Ok, as I write this blog post I'm trying to hold myself down from getting up and going to the fridge to warm up leftovers.  This meal was AH-MA-ZING!!!

I've got quite a few meals on my cooking board (which for some reason seems to have been taken over by delicious desserts) and had only made a small handful of them.  Crockpotting is SO easy - I really should do it more often!

Here's the scoop on the Teriyaki Chicken:

I'm attaching the link to the recipe.  The only change I made was that I halved the recipe because there's only 2 of us (Easton's doesn't count for dinner time because he's in the 19 month old I don't like to eat phase).

1) So easy - put your chicken thighs in the crockpot.

2) Mix the sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic and ginger.

3) Pour over chicken.  Cover and cook for 4 or 5 hours on low.  I turned the chicken over about half way through.

4) When it's done, pull the chicken out and set aside.  Scoop the broth up and mix the flour/water mixture in and it makes the most out of this world sauce you put over the chicken.  I served it on rice.  YUM-O!!

This was SO easy and SOOOO yummy!  Everybody should put this on their menu for next week.  I promise you won't be disappointed.  Would love to hear what you thought of it.  

:)  Happy Thursday!

Link to recipe:


  1. Definitely putting it on the menu for next week! Thanks

  2. I have to tell you, that recipe you found came from my home town!! Lake Lure is in Rutherford County! I was so excited when I saw the blog spot you got the recipe from :)

    1. What a small world!!! Hope it was good! I LOVED this one!
