First thing to know - yes, I AM addicted to Pinterest. Second thing to know - I pin hundreds of pins that just sit there screaming "make me, visit me, bake me" and they never get the full attention they deserve. BUT that all ends right now!

As of today, well tomorrow, I am committing to make/visit/bake one thing each day for the next 365 days off of Pinterest.

Why do this you ask? I'd like to say it's for personal development, reaching what Oprah calls my "best" life but really, it's probably just to drive my hubby crazy with one more "thing" I am doing. :) The good news is, not to fret, he will be reaping some of the rewards from my experiment. (Mental note, make an out of the world cheesecake each month from Pinterest)

Make sure to also like my Facebook Fan Page at and my Etsy store at

Happy blog following and I hope that I inspire some of you to stop pinning and start doing!


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 5 - Giant Magnet Board

Feeling like I should give some love to E so today, during Crop-A-Ganza I put together this very cute, fun magnetic board for Easton.  This was SOOOOO easy!!!  And cheap for that matter.

I bought the oil drip pan from Wal-Mart for $9.99 and all the letters are is a banner you can pick up at any school supply store or office store (Office Max).  You just will need to adhere them to the oil pan with rubber cement.

I didn't grab a picture of it on the wall in Easton's play room because like I said, I was cropping all day!!!  BUT, I will be attaching it to the wall with velcro strips (the hubby would probably send me to the garage to sleep if I put any more holes in the walls around here).

**This project could be perfect for tons of other things - I'm thinking offices, craft rooms (oooh the ideas), classrooms - the list could go on and on and on.

***One thing I probably would have done different next time would be to spice the drip pan up a bit with some paint or some sort, probably spray paint.  Give it some color!

Here's the original post from the pin I found.

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