First thing to know - yes, I AM addicted to Pinterest. Second thing to know - I pin hundreds of pins that just sit there screaming "make me, visit me, bake me" and they never get the full attention they deserve. BUT that all ends right now!

As of today, well tomorrow, I am committing to make/visit/bake one thing each day for the next 365 days off of Pinterest.

Why do this you ask? I'd like to say it's for personal development, reaching what Oprah calls my "best" life but really, it's probably just to drive my hubby crazy with one more "thing" I am doing. :) The good news is, not to fret, he will be reaping some of the rewards from my experiment. (Mental note, make an out of the world cheesecake each month from Pinterest)

Make sure to also like my Facebook Fan Page at and my Etsy store at

Happy blog following and I hope that I inspire some of you to stop pinning and start doing!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 8 - Patchwork Bib

Moms - BEWARE!!!  These are so cute you'll want 10 of them!  I was so excited to make these, probably more proud of the fact that I attached velcro to material than of the finished product itself.  I'm learning to do things I've never done before!!  It's kind of exciting.  :)

I found this Quilted Patchwork Bib Pattern on Pinterest a long, LONG time ago and thought I'd eventually get to it but was too scared to attack it.  I'm not really sure why because it was so simple.  One tip - please, PLEASE for the love of Pete - go out and buy a pair of pinking shears if you don't have them.  It will make your life SOOO much easier and keep money in your pocket because you won't have to pour a glass of wine to get through the notch cutting part.

Here's a link to the instructions for the bib -

Here are some pics from my bib making process.  Once again, not perfect but I know the next time around it will be even better!

I'll have these for sale on my Esty shop for $9.00 each.


  1. Oh my...this is super cute! Etsy store???

  2. Yes! I'm going to be making some burp rags to match!
